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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 08/04/2013
Greenwald continued: Morgan Griffith a Republican from Virginia, the other Alan Grayson the democrat from Florida showed us, and we're publishing this morning, very detailed letters trying to get this information and they're being blocked from getting it and they've said and other members have said that they are forced to learn about what the NSA is doing from what they're reading in our reporting. Raddatz: And when you say they're being blocked, how are they being blocked? People are refusing to give it to them in Congress? Greewald: Correct
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KGO 08/04/2013
Raddatz: Are efforts being thwarted in trying to get information for members of Congress? Ruppersberger: We have rules as far as the committee on what you can have and what you cannot have, however, based on that statement I just made is that since this incident occurred with Snowden, we've had three different hearings for members of our Democratic caucus and the Republican caucus where general Alexander has come with his deputy Chris English to ask any questions that people have as it relates to this information.
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KGO 08/04/2013
Ruppersberger continued 3: But we can do better. I have to educate my caucus more, the democratic caucus and we're trying to declassify as much as we can. We -- Raddatz: representative king, i want a very quick response from you, if you will. Thank you, representative ruppersberger. Ruppersberger: okay, fine. Radatz: just a quick response, please. King: over the last several weeks general Alexander, all these top people have come in and subjected themselves to questioning from any member of Congress at all including those most critical. And I’ve found those who are most critical publicly
Peter King
U.S. Senator, R-New York, Homeland Security Committee
KGO 08/04/2013
King continued: ask the least amount of questions in private. But he's answered every question. They get the information, they sit there and they go -- they just – Raditz: so they're just not telling the truth? King: with the members of Congress. I've never seen, to me it's unprecedented to have all of these top people from an administration during this time of crisis still come in and answer question after question after question, so anyone who says that Congress is somehow being stonewalled is just wrong and is generally, i think, raised by people who are trying to make a name for themselves.
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